Do you wish you could be more confident in how you respond to your child during a meltdown? Are you feeling overwhelmed having to sort through conflicting information about how to handle meltdowns? Peep this free resource!
Thank you so much to my Happily Family parent coaching cohort companion, Nicki.
Drop a comment and let me know what the most amusing trigger was that set off a child’s meltdown?
Mine is that the child was playing with a colander, the same one we use to rinse lettuce for salad, and suddenly had the realization that he was a human and not lettuce. He started to melt down with the oft-repeated cry of, “I am too salad!” Poor bub, just one frustration too many that day, but still quite a gift of levity to the adult onlookers.
The featured image for this post comes from the illustrious @dr.siggie.
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