Ruthless baby registry editing
so that you get TOOLS, not stuff.
Your house doesn’t need more junk!
You are about to be new parents. You know that you are in for sleepless nights, laundry beyond your wildest imaginings, and more love for any one human being than you ever thought possible.
You want gifts from friends and family to provide support, not cause stress or clutter. You hope that the gifts will offer financial relief, rather than leaving you to cover the cost for essential items on your own.
That’s where I come in. I’ll help you craft a registry, tailor made for your unique rhythms, needs, and styles. That way, when people buy off of your registry, you will end up with the right tool the first time.
i do one thing, and I do it well: Ruthless Registry Editing.
Save time
A custom tailored registry will save you time having to return or exchange items that don’t fit your rhythms and routines.
Save Money
A custom tailored registry will prevent you from having to purchase your true tools out of pocket.
Save Space
A custom tailored registry is a list of items you will actually use.
your ruthless Edit: The Registry Shakedown
You write up your initial registry.
We collaborate virtually to ruthlessly refine the registry, drawing on my expertise and your individual preferences.
You share the finalized registry with friends and family, who will purchase the tools that are perfectly suited to support you as a unique parent.
Kind words from parents.
“Thanks to your keen eye and thoughtful advice on setting up our registry, we were able to avoid a surplus of unused baby bottles. Your recommendation to include a bottle fund instead of requesting specific bottles was a game-changer. Our child’s preferences were not predictable, and we are grateful for your guidance in helping us make the most of our registry. Thanks for saving us space, money, and time!”
– April Spivey
want an amuse-bouche before ordering the main course?
Ask my opinion on a single item of baby gear